In May, Working Mother magazine named JCPenney one of the 2020 Best Companies for Multicultural Women for the third time. We are always proud to be acknowledged for the strength and diversity of our female workforce, and we were thrilled to also receive a special designation from Working Mother as an Outstanding Leader honoree.
On Thursday, July 23, Working Mother celebrated its honorees at a virtual awards ceremony during the Multicultural Women’s National Conference, where outstanding leaders of each company received recognition for their tireless service and dedication. Valerie Harris, senior VP of product development and design, was the focus of JCPenney’s recognition.
Val has been an associate of JCPenney for more than four decades – 42 years! – and is a beloved leader and mentor in the Company. Watch the short video below as Val reflects on her time at JCPenney and her colleagues share how she has contributed to and enhanced their career journeys.